Our Venture


From Ishwardi's fields to your kitchen, Agronic and Adgo Interactive are seasoning the world organically

The story.

In the pulsating heart of Bangladesh's digital landscape, Dhakagram emerged as a beacon of modern storytelling. Its mission: to bring the vibrant tapestry of contemporary Bangladeshi culture to the forefront, all through the engaging and dynamic format of reels and shorts. This online view portal quickly became the go-to source for a daily dose of news, served not in lengthy articles or droning broadcasts, but in crisp, captivating visual snippets.

As Bangladesh’s short-form media agency landscape grew, Dhakagram distinguished itself by slicing through the clutter of everyday news, focusing on stories that resonated deeply with the people, stories that mattered. Their approach wasn't just about delivering news; it was about crafting narratives that connected, informed, and enlightened.

Partnering with Dhakagram, Adgo Interactive brought its expertise in cutting-edge content creation to the table. Their collaboration was a fusion of journalistic insight and digital creativity. With Adgo's support, Dhakagram's content transcended traditional boundaries.